Ordinals statistics

Obscure statistics about obscure data

Ordinals count

Total number of documents: 353,066

Biggest inscriptions

ID TX Size [bytes] Type Date Fee [sats]
652 0301...c0ae 3,915,537 image/jpeg 2023-02-01 0
165512 79b9...79da 3,878,842 image/webp 2023-02-23 74,913,792
123579 b5a7...1f7f 3,379,682 video/mp4 2023-02-16 49,295,940
78082 7fac...4d52 397,090 image/webp 2023-02-13 509,898
4182 ebd2...43b5 396,844 image/png 2023-02-05 99,918
129119 492f...3aa4 396,484 image/jpeg 2023-02-17 123,244
69059 f7f9...ba34 396,340 image/webp 2023-02-13 886,153
78236 501c...aa68 396,340 image/webp 2023-02-13 443,076
5458 3418...f10f 396,313 image/gif 2023-02-06 109,764
10395 0848...4e2e 396,313 image/gif 2023-02-07 219,527

Most common content types

Type Amount
image/png 126,360
text/plain 122,078
image/webp 44,895
image/jpeg 32,041
image/svg+xml 14,478
text/html 7,970
image/gif 3,120
application/json 1,198
audio/mpeg 287
video/mp4 220

Biggest collections

ID Amount Description
bitcoinpunks 10,000
biterapunks 4,950 Bitera Punks are the second byte-perfect uploads of the original Ethereum CryptoPunks onto the Bitcoin Blockchain using Ordinals.To make this site, we are checking the hash of every image uploaded to Ordinals and comparing it against the original 10k punk images. The links to Bitera Punks are the Second-seen inscriptions ( Second lowest ID) that contain these hashes on Ordinals.
pixel-pepes 1,563 The first ever airdrop on the Bitcoin network. 1563 rare Pixel Pepes airdropped to users who had made a transaction on ordinalswallet.com before block 777888.
distortion 1,111 Distortion is a fully hand-typed 100% on-chain art collection limited to 1,111 pieces. It is designed to be displayed with no external browser libraries (e.g. p5js).
ordinal-bears 1,111 1111 Ordinal Bears roaming on BTC. Ordinal Bears is the continuation of the Omni-Chain Moonbears collection
bitcoin-jpgs 1,000 The first and only collection of 1000 Artifacts under 5k Ordinals
unordinals 1,000 what is dead may never die
helpmedebugthis 861 Something is fundamentally wrong. H3lp M3 D3bu8 Th15!
btc-machines 756
oblivion 554 Embark on a voyage to the outer realms of our universe, where the very fabric of space and time is distorted by an overwhelming force of gravity in ways we cannot yet comprehend. A distortion of space and time inspired by the first photograph captured by a telescope of the Messier 87 black hole. Aside from #1 which is inscribed as #9978, all other pieces are securely inscribed on the Bitcoin blockchain under ID 22,000.

Total size

Total size of documents (without transaction data): 4,337 MB

Most expensive inscriptions

ID TX Fee [sats] Type Date Size [bytes]
165512 79b9...79da 74,913,792 image/webp 2023-02-23 3,878,842
123579 b5a7...1f7f 49,295,940 video/mp4 2023-02-16 3,379,682
100002 45b9...35bf 20,243,000 image/png 2023-02-15 79,970
123668 6a41...8d00 2,867,100 text/html 2023-02-16 379,538
20178 2d17...ebc0 2,506,545 image/jpeg 2023-02-08 368,673
162282 4b15...e202 2,283,825 text/plain 2023-02-22 362,764
112109 682a...c367 2,272,380 image/webp 2023-02-15 300,708
20579 19fc...64bd 2,268,999 image/jpeg 2023-02-08 333,681
95389 c166...6562 2,197,026 image/svg+xml 2023-02-15 335,523
112815 fc0a...ea57 2,177,901 image/webp 2023-02-15 320,264

Most duplicated content

Amount Content type Content length Examples
4,155 image/webp 4,796 89515 89516 89518
2,579 image/svg+xml 1,024 81369 81371 81372
1,003 image/webp 854 261548 261549 261552
999 image/webp 9,316 123971 123992 123993
544 image/svg+xml 1,468 3079 3080 3083
395 image/svg+xml 1,024 45914 45916 46834
363 text/plain 18 91317 91319 91321
351 image/svg+xml 5,571 19663 20666 20667
333 image/png 1,815 75333 75334 75335
323 image/svg+xml 1,468 3088 3091 3096

Collections using most space

ID Used space [bytes] Amount Description
ordinal-pizza-og 17,093,052 340
bitcoin-bulls 13,966,117 400 400 of the biggest Bitcoin Bulls on the blockchain. With a missions of further decentralizing the network. The first free airdrop on ordinals.
ordinal-fomojis 13,413,463 100 A collection of 100 digital artifacts inscribed as Ordinals on the Bitcoin blockchain. Original art by @SwayzeDigital
satoshi_go 12,883,933 151 Welcome to the wonderful world of the Satoshimon, cute but powerful creatures that have crept into the Ordinal cosmos and are looking for a trainer 🐲
piggies-world 12,723,078 200
ordinal-faces 11,507,454 50
xexadons 11,429,905 50 50 Mythic Xexadons that have traversed to the Bitcoin Blockchain. Through experimental technology, these Xexadons have been able to find their way to this unexplored blockchain, but have no way of getting out… At least not yet…
nakamotos-on-bitcoin 10,980,774 101
diamond-fingers 10,745,212 100
xcpinata 10,342,386 111


ID Description Date Size [bytes]
123668 Whole fckin HTML website 2023-02-16 379,538
123585 PDF with a dishwasher (and maybe a virus) 2023-02-16 184,622
86084 Holy bible on the blockchain 2023-02-14 310,791
53423 ETH whitepaper 2023-02-11 393,503
2042 Fart 2023-02-04 28,653
66827 BTC whitepaper 2023-02-12 184,292
117309 Wanna play some music? 2023-02-16 262,345
466 DOOM 2023-02-01 30,753

Useful resources

Dune.com - dashboard

Dune.com - dashboard

Github.com - ord repository

Ordinals.com - explorer

Ordinals.com - docs

Ordinalswallet.com - explorer

Ordinalswallet.com - collections

Ordswap.io - marketplace

Openordex.org - marketplace

Ordx.io - marketplace

Pourteaux.xyz - article